Color Identifier - Color Teller

SKU: 2750
Model: Color Teller
Availability: Available for Short Term Loan
Original Purchase Price: $134.00
Manufacturer: Brytech
Rental Terms: $9 maintenance fee for 30 days
Wearing a purple blouse with green slacks can be embarrassing, but with a color identifier this won't happen to you. Use our lending library to determine if a color identifier is right for you.

Use Brytech's talking color identifer to identify the color of a plant, a vehicle, or clothing.

The Color Teller announces all the common colors, plus many tints and shades like pink, pale blue-green, dark brown, and vivid yellow. Measuring 6 inches long, and weighing about 3 ounzes, it's easy to take shopping.

The Color Teller has the ability to tell whether a light is turned on or off, and can be announce colors in English, Spanish or French.